
It is our pleasure to announce that the “ Istanbul Cadaver Course – Spine – Thoracic, Lumbar Sacral Spine Surgery” will be held at The Marmara University, Institute of Neurological Sciences and Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, and Department of Neurosurgery, in Istanbul, February 22-23, 2025.

The course will be organized in collaboration with the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Education Committee, WFNS Spine Committee and Middle East Spine Society (MESS).

Precise clinical anatomy knowledge is of paramount importance in spine surgery, and better surgical technique will contribute to more successful surgical procedures. In the course of the organization, hands-on training on cadavers will be given by a faculty who are experts in their fields of neurosurgery and neuroanatomy. The practical workshop will also be supported by theoretical presentations. We will discuss Thoracolumbar, Sacroiliac Instrumantation, osteotomies and deformity correction techniques.

We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul, on February 22-23, 2025.

Organizing Commitee

Istanbul Cadaver Course 4th Spine Course has been granted 16.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).

We are pleased to announce that Istanbul Cadaver Course – 4th Spine Course is ETHICAL MEDTECH COMPLIANT!